My name is Brad Barnes
writer/photographer/proud Canadian
writer/photographer/proud Canadian
My name is Brad Barnes and I was born in St. Thomas, Ontario in 1954. In 1975, I moved to Red Deer, Alberta and never looked back. I was hooked on the mountains and all they had to offer. I did live in Yellowknife, NT. for 3 1/2 years (1997-2000), a place that is as captivating. My job in Yellowknife afforded me the opportunity to travel to places that I thought were fictional when I was a kid, places like Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk and many other small, far north communities.
In 2016, I retired from my government job, moved to Banff and set out to explore new opportunities in the tourist industry. I now have 3 1/2 years under my belt--I call them my apprenticeship years. I've worked throughout the Bow Valley and into British Columbia and have had the awesome experience of meeting people from all over the world. For most, a trip to Canada is a bucket list adventure to witness the awe inspiring landscape of the place that I called my backyard for many years. Many have saved a life time just to get here. Ensuring that their visit is as memorable as all international travelers expect is my goal.
In 2018, I decided it was time for me to pursue my own dream of exploring more of this great country called Canada. I had visited much of this country over the years--a few trips to the west coast, a few drives across the prairies to visit family in Ontario and of course, my time in the Northwest Territories. Exploring is the key word.
Accordingly, on September 03 I set out on what was to be a one month trip to an area I had never been, the east coast. I loved what I was seeing so much, a four week trip turned into a seven week journey. Knowing that I would someday pursue my goal of visiting every part of Canada, I had already started to put together a travel website. As a freelance photographer and writer, a travel site seemed the best way to implement those skills in an informative and practical way.
The original intention for this site was to focus on providing information and reviews about out-of-the-way attractions, those venues many of us drive by without giving a second thought of stopping at. And that will still be a main feature of this site. However, since my trip to the east coast, I decided that I wanted to tell my story of Canada through a variety of lenses--of course through the camera's lens by capturing the scenic beauty of Canada as well a through the stories of the Canadians I meet along the way.
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The Reluctant Canadian by Brad Barnes This fictional story is inspired by Canada’s real-life Child Immigration Scheme, a largely forgotten program that brought upwards of 100,000 supposedly orphaned and abandoned British children to Canada to act as much-needed farm labourers and servants (“home children”) from 1860 to the 1920s. Paperback - $22.99 Hardcover - $35.99 Digital - $2.27 Available at: |
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